QEII Jubilee Hospital
Metro South Health

  • Outside-in
  • Health Sector
  • South East Queensland

The Challenge

QEll Jubilee Hospital found it time-consuming and challenging to find good candidates for entry-level Operational Support Officer roles. Traditionally, recruiting for these casual positions involved considerable time and effort, reviewing resumes and shortlisting candidates. In addition, it was difficult to ascertain suitability for the role in just five days of intensive induction training.

The Solution

To partner with government-funded “jobactive” job agencies who can provide end-to-end recruitment solutions, and facilitate wraparound support and foundation training for job seekers, at no cost to the hospital.


The hospital is partnering with local jobactives and TAFE Queensland to recruit and train local candidates for Operational Support Officer roles.

Previously, candidates were screened, interviewed and selected in-house and spent three days undertaking theoretical training and two days of practical training (half a day in each of four different operational areas of the hospital). Under the new, simplified recruitment process, jobactives are undertaking the front-end recruitment and shortlisting process, based on the hospital’s workforce needs.

HELP Employment and Training is the lead jobactive and acts as the single point of contact for the hospital. Following a jointly-run information session for interested candidates, job seekers are screened, interviewed and shortlisted by HELP for final selection by the hospital. With support from the Commonwealth Government’s Employment Fund, the jobactives cover the cost of vaccinations and training for the successful job seekers, who are provided with 5 days of theoretical training delivered by TAFE Queensland and 10 days of on-the job practical training (10 shifts in 10 different areas).


Organisational strategies
  • The recruitment of casuals through a partnership with jobactives has been identified as a strategic business opportunity for the Operational Support Services Department and there is strong management support for this program.
  • The hospital’s Human Resources Department was fully involved in the design of the program and continues to be kept informed with each intake.
  • The department head is fully empowered to make program decisions and is accountable for overseeing the program and coordinating staff members involved in supporting and training the job seekers.
  • Selected staff are tasked to provide practical training for the job seekers and regularly share information about their progress.
Partnership strategies
  • The hospital is partnering with local jobactives who are funded by the Australian Government to provide tailored end-to-end recruitment services and to facilitate wraparound support and foundation skills training to job seekers, at no cost to the employer.
  • To avoid the hospital having to deal with multiple jobactive providers, HELP Employment and Training acts as the lead jobactive and is the main point of contact for the hospital. HELP is responsible for working with the hospital to gain a clear understanding of their workforce needs and works in partnership with other local jobactives to source and refer appropriate candidates.
  • The main partnership is between QEll Jubilee Hospital, HELP and TAFE Queensland.
Program design strategies
  • The hospital raises awareness of job opportunities by co-facilitating information sessions with HELP and TAFE to brief job seekers about job opportunities, responsibilities, expectations and support.
  • The theoretical and practical training components are customised and delivered on-site to ensure greater relevancy.
  • To maximise engagement and learning outcomes, HELP provides wraparound support for the trainees, including assistance with transport to work if required.


  • Seven job seekers were employed as casual employees in the September 2017 intake.
  • Eight job seekers were employed as casual employees in the January 2018 intake.
  • Two of the employees have undertaken further training to relieve in operating theatres.
  • As at June 2018 all 15 were still employed by the hospital.

Lessons Learned

  • Provide a realistic and detailed description of what the job involves (do not sugar-coat it), so that potential employees know what to expect before they start.
  • Provide realistic figures for the actual number of jobs available.
  • Ensure that supervising staff know what is expected of them from the outset of the program in terms of teaching, observing, and providing feedback to the trainees.
  • Feedback from supervising staff is valuable in the selection process, so ensure that they are given an opportunity to provide regular feedback to management on the progress and suitability of the trainees.
  • Wraparound support is important for job seeker engagement and success in the program.
  • Ensure that the jobactive and the RTO place a high priority on developing the job seekers’ readiness for work.
  • Document the program process so that roles and responsibilities are understood and others can replicate it if the current coordinator leaves.

Do you…

  • have access to jobactives and an RTO that you can partner with?
  • have partnerships with jobactives that have a strong understanding of your workforce skill needs and organisational work culture, and can source suitable candidates?
  • have a partnership with a training provider that can deliver tailored training on-site?
  • have staff who would be willing and able to provide the practical training?

Can you…

  • get management support for a similar recruitment program?
  • provide an area for on-site training?
  • provide a socially and culturally appropriate workplace?
  • access job seekers with a genuine interest in working in the role?

Do you…

  • have staff capacity to provide practical training to additional numbers of job seekers?
  • have a local jobactive that can access a sufficient pool of labour and provide sufficient levels of wraparound support?

What if…

  • the level, quality or appropriateness of wraparound support is inadequate?
  • the training is not of a high quality?
  • staff do not have the capacity or capability to provide quality practical training?